Currency Notes BUY / SELL

Buy Currency

Exchange Indian rupees into any leading foreign currency US Dollar, Euro, Pound Sterling, Australian Dollar, Canadian Dollar, Swiss Franc, Japanese Yen and much more. Buy any foreign currency at the most competitive exchange rate of the day.

It is often advisable to carry some money in the form of currency for immediate requirements like paying for food, drink or cab.

Sell Currency

With years of experience in the industry, Company assures you quick and easy foreign currency exchange experience. You can convert your foreign currency into Indian Rupee at the best rates of the day.

Currency Sale Limit:

RBI allows you to bring any amount of foreign currency while coming to India. However, if the total value of forex in the form of currency notes brought in crosses USD 10,000 or its equals and/or the value of foreign currency alone exceeds USD 5,000 or its equals, it should be declared to the Customs Authorities at the Airport in the Currency Declaration Form (CDF). You can exchange any amount of foreign currency but if it is above $5000, CDF declared will be required.